Tridex Geoservices has a reputable client base with clients ranging from small explorers and private companies to large mining houses and publicly listed companies.
Tridex Geoservices works with a range of clients in an array of spectacular and remote locations. Tridex Geoservices is particularly active throughout Canada, working with industry majors and developing juniors. Tridex Geoservices provides geological consulting and services for full turn-key exploration management on some projects and geological programme support for others.
We have extensive experience through out North America and have assisted clients and governments in South America with exploration, resource definition and mining projects for petroleum, gold, base metals.
We take great pride in getting top-quality results out of sometimes difficult working conditions. Our local support offices allow us to tackle the logistical part of these projects with a high degree of efficiency.
Hot or cold, wet or dry, onshore or offshore, Tridex Geoservices will deliver results under any conditions.
Client list provided on request.